Here's one simple and free way to create a legacy gift at UVM.
You can designate UVM as a beneficiary on a retirement account. By logging into your account online or by filling out a one paper form, you can create your legacy gift in just a few minutes.
This kind of legacy gift is simple because there is no need to modify your will or
living trust.
A gift of retirement assets has the added advantage of being a very
tax-wise way to make an estate gift. This is because your retirement
assets, if left to individuals, will be subject to income tax when they
receive distributions.
If you give your retirement assets to UVM, 100 percent of the retirement
assets will be available to support what you love.
If this sounds good to you, let us know below!
We'd love to talk to you about how your gift will go to work to help what you love at UVM. That could be a student scholarship, a research fund, a way to honor a loved one, or simply the way you want to be remembered.
(Note: If you have specific tax or accounting questions, it's a good idea to consult with an advisor.)